Postpartum care under an Onkwehón:we midwife is personalized and supportive, with a focus on promoting wellness and healing for both the mother and the baby.

Postpartum care under and indigenous midwife involves a holistic approach to supporting new mothers and their babies during the postpartum period. Onkwehón:we midwives have deep understanding of the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of new mothers and babies, and they use traditional knowledge and healing practices to provide care.

Schedule of Postpartum Care Visits:

  • 1, 3, 5 & 10 Day visits at your home or hospital
  • 3 & 6 Week visits at the Clinic
  • Additional visits as necessary beyond 6 weeks.
  • At this time, the majority of postpartum/newborn visits will be home visits.
  • Following your final postpartum visit, a summary of the birth and care of you and your newborn will be sent to your family physician, pediatrician, etc.

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