On May 8-10, 2024, our midwife Jasmine traveled west to sunny Sacramento, California to attend the Family Spirit LEGO Fellowship Gathering. The Family Spirit Program provides evidence-based and culturally tailored home visiting intervention delivered by community-based Health Educators as an Indigenous solution to supporting caregivers during pregnancy and early childhood. The Family Spirit Core Curriculum consists of 63 lessons taught from pregnancy to age 3, with plans for an expanded curriculum through age 5. Additional curriculum modules address emerging needs and specific family circumstances. This in-home parent training and support program has been designed, implemented, and rigorously evaluated by the Johns Hopkins Center for Indigenous Health in partnership with the Navajo, White Mountain Apache, and San Carlos Apache tribal communities since 1995. The Family Spirit Program aims to increase skills and knowledge in parenting, address maternal psychosocial risks that could interfere with positive child-rearing, prepare children for early school success, Link families to community or health care services, and Promote parents’ and children’s life skills and behavioral outcomes across the lifespan. Through its commitment to nurturing strong family bonds and empowering caregivers, the program seeks to promote enduring life skills and positive behavioral outcomes for both parents and children across the lifespan. Jasmine's participation in the gathering has left her inspired and energized, reaffirming her dedication to empowering families through the miracle of birth and beyond.

The gathering provided knowledge in areas like counseling and social support skills. Now, you might think, "Hey, doesn't Team OMC already have this covered?" Well, you're not wrong, but here's the thing: in a world that's always moving forward, staying stagnant just isn't an option. That's why workshops like these are so vital – they keep us on our toes, pushing us to level up our game. Through immersive sessions focusing on empathic listening and engagement building, the gathering illuminated innovative approaches to expanding community resources and effectively screening clients for potential conditions. This dynamic exchange of expertise not only enriches our toolkit but also reinforces our commitment to providing unparalleled care and support to the families we serve.

Thomas Cook

Thomas Cook

Program Assistant

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